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Passmores Academy

Passmores Academy

Improving upon our best


Photography enables students to explore the art of visual communication and broadens their awareness of the visual world. It is about summing up an idea, a concept, a message and conveying this to an intended audience to evoke a reaction. Photography covers a wide range of work, including portraiture, still life, landscape, editorial, fashion, photojournalism, reportage and studio. Photography plays a pivotal role in an ever-evolving digital world; a world where imagery, interactions and communications are instantaneous through social media. 


At the end of KS4 a successful photography student will be confident in navigating themselves around a bridge camera; understanding the basic rules of composition and how to achieve great photos that reflect the formal elements of photography.

They will be competent in developing ideas through appropriate investigations, covering several key iconic photographers of our time, gaining a better understanding and appreciation of the photography world. Refining ideas by exploring and experimenting with appropriate media, materials and techniques. Record ideas, observation, and insights, relevant to intentions as work progresses and present personal and meaningful responses which show cases their skills and knowledge.

This course allows students to work as a team, to direct and delegate jobs and critic each other’s work. These are valuable personal skills to have and carry forward with them. Not only will students be confident in using a bridge camera to its full capacity they will also know the basics and some more complex settings of an SLR camera and how to use it in a studio environment to achieve professional looking outcomes.  

Some students will go on to further study photography at A-Level or Diploma level with the aim of going on to university, studying for an apprenticeship or getting a job in the industry. Those who choose not to pursue photography will complete this course with the necessary skills and knowledge to continue with photography as a hobby and will also be beneficial in some capacity in other areas of work or further education.